ilicifolius L.
Acanthus ilicifolius
Viny shrub or tall
herb, upto 1.5 m high, scarcely woody, bushy, with very dense growth
Shallow tap roots,
but occasionally stilt roots are conspicuous
Leaf simple, opposite,
decussate, cauline, exstipulate, petiole short, flattened, glabrous, pulvinous
to sheathing base
Lamina oblong, elliptic-oblong,
spiny margin and wavy, apex acute, basal angled, dorsiventral, green
Inflorescence raceme,
spike, upto 16 cm long, peduncled
Flowers bracteate,
curved, ovoid, entire, acute, basal cup-shaped, glabrous, greenish, two
bracteoles partly covered by bracts
Flower bisexual,
typically zygomorphic, complete, erect, sessile, hypogynous,
Sepals 5, polysepalous,
twisted, borad, ovate, margin folded, acute, basal curved, coriaceous,
greenish , persistent
Petals 1, large,
showy, violet, ovate, entire, obtuse, coriaceous, slightly fleshy, slightly
curved, margin outerly folded, deciduous
Stamens 4, free
filament, erect
Carpels 2, syncarpous,
ovary dumbel-shaped, glabrous, terete, ovary superior, two chambered, two
ovules in each chamber, axile placentation
Styel 1, terminal,
persistent, terete, glabrous
Stigma two bifid.
Fruit 1 cm green
and 2.5 - 2.0 cm long, kidney shaped 4 seed drupe, Seed
0.5 - 1.0 cm long
Germination of seed
Economic Importance
: Useful in asthma, decoction
used in dyspepsia. Leaves used as fomentation in rheumatism and neuralgia
and also used in snake bite.